
amateur milf anal creampie

I couldn’t wait to see the amateur milf’s sexy ass take a load of cum up her ass. She was already hard as fuck and had a tattoo of a heart making her sharp edges even more appealing to me. I was stroking my cock while watching her face contort with pleasure as she got fucked from behind. It was hot and dirty, I couldn’t help but get turned on. As the milf creampie video got closer, I knew I had to get in on it. I crept up behind her and every time she let out a moan, I pushed myself a little deeper into her skin. My dick was aching to fucking her, but I knew I had to bide my time. Finally, the moment came. I grabbed her hips and my cock was going deep and hard into her ass. She was whimpering with pleasure and I knew she was loving every inch of it. I rode her ass so hard, putting my face between her knees and biting her dogtags. I wanted to make her scream, and deep down, I knew she wanted to too. As the creampie got even closer, my hand went to her tits and I started pinching her nipples. I knew it would get her even further into the moment. The cum started curdling up her throat and I knew she was getting close to cumming. I pulled out and the creampie exploded all over her ass, dripping down her legs. She let out a long moan and her milky ass clenched up tight, holding onto every drop of cum. I immediately went back in from behind and stroked her until we were both cumming hard, her ass still tight and beguiling. As we collapsed next to each other, I couldn’t help but feel proud of what I had just accomplished. The amateur milf was my plaything, my dumpster diving date who gave me permission to live out my wildest fantasies. And in that moment, I knew that I would be back for more.

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