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After a few moments of intense kissing, she broke away to lead me towards the bed. The sheets were white and crisp, hinting at the untold pleasures waiting to be discovered. My heart raced as I followed her, my mind filled with thoughts of the lustful night ahead. I could feel my balls tightening and my cock growing even harder as we approached the bed. Once we were in position, she commanded me to stand before her. She knelt on the bed, her voluptuous body radiating an aura of sexual hunger that made me throb with anticipation. I gazed down at her, taking in the sight of her large brown breasts hanging low and her eyes reflecting a raw desire. Her fingers traced over my body, leaving a trail of possessiveness. Her mouth worshipped my cock. Her hot and wet lips slid up and down as she accepted me into her mouth, sucking and caressing as she slid down my length. The pressure in my body built up as she savored every inch of me. Her saliva slicked my cock, making it glisten in the dim light. It was a sexy and demanding act that left me barely able to contain my lust. “Ready for some anal?” she whisper-yelled, looking up at me over the head of my cock. Nodding in agreement, I watched as she reached for a bottle of lube. “Ay Dios mio,” she moaned as she slicked her fingers with the smooth substance, her eyes gleaming with devilish intent. With a wicked smile, she placed her soaked fingers on her anus, first teasing it with just her middle finger before escorting my cock into her. Moans of pleasure escaped her as she closed her eyes and rocked her hips, allowing me to enter her tight ass. I could feel my balls tightening and my breath quickening as I filled her with my length, my cock enveloped by her soft, hot asshole. She gasped loudly as I thrust deep into her, meeting my body with hers in a frenzied rhythm.

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She moved her hips to meet me every time, her eyes wide and glassy. It was raw animal lust that drove her movements, her lips trembling as she accepted me deeper and deeper. Her pussy wept with wetness, her clit swollen and strained. She raised her ass higher, taking me deeper and deeper before I felt my load rising. Moaning loudly, she sprayed my cock with more lube and prepared a trail of cum. She wrapped her lips around me and jerked my cock as she swallowed my load, pulling me further and further into her warm, wet mouth. When I finally reached my climax, it was a torrent of cum that spilled forth into her waiting throat, filling her with my hot, sticky seed. Her moans grew louder as my sperm coated the back of her throat. She greedily drained what I’d left and let my cock fall limp from her mouth. I laid down beside her, my heart thundering from the intensity of the fuck. She lovingly cuddled up against me, her smooth skin pressed against me. Satisfied and proud, I knew she

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